Step 1: Log into your Blackfort account
- Access your Blackfort account using your login credentials.
Step 2: Navigate to the explorer page
- Click on the menu button "Explorer" to open the explorer page or use directly this link:
Step 3: Access the Tokens section
- In the upper menu area, click on "Tokens" and select "All".
- A list with "BlackFort (Node)" and "BlackFort (VOTE)" will appear.
Step 4: Select the Vote token
- Under the "Address" column, click on "BlackFort Vote 0x00000-001004".
- A detailed list of the vote tokens will open.
Step 5: Copy the Vote token contract address
- Click on the copy icon at the top right to copy the address of the vote tokens to your clipboard.
Step 6: Open Metamask
- Open your Metamask wallet in the Chrome browser, Edge, or Brave browser.
Step 7: Ensure correct network selection
- Make sure the "BlackFort Exchange Network" is selected in Metamask.
Step 8: Navigate to the Assets section
- Select "Assets" in Metamask and scroll down slightly.
Step 9: Import the Vote token
- Select "Import Tokens".
- Paste the copied address into the "Token Contract Address" field.
- Complete the process by clicking "Import Tokens".
The Vote tokens will then appear under the "Assets" section in Metamask.
If these are then sent to a another wallet address, the whole procedure must be repeated.
For every 100 BXNs staked by the nodes, approximately one vote token is received, depending on the weight of the nodes.